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Web Application Website

In this web design tutorial, I will show you how to create a layout for a web app's website using Photoshop. We will create all the popular components of a web application website, like a "featured" area for a short description of the app, call-to-action buttons, screenshots/videos presentation areas to show the users how the app looks like and what it can do, a "features" area to present product features, and more.

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Web Application Website

In this web design tutorial, I will show you how to create a layout for a web app's website using Photoshop. We will create all the popular components of a web application website, like a "featured" area for a short description of the app, call-to-action buttons, screenshots/videos presentation areas to show the users how the app looks like and what it can do, a "features" area to present product features, and more.

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